The land of Victoria was first surveyed in the early 1850s. The area around Lot 32 Section 58 in Saanich
was first subdivided in 1894.
through Land Title Survey Plans from 1907, 1947, and 1973, 1980, 1981 provides a perspective of the changing land use.
Also slide
through historic aerial photos of the same area.
BC Land Title Survey Authority [part of] Plan 868, 1907.
BC Land Title Survey Authority [part of] Plan 6370, 1947.
BC Land Title Survey Authority [part of] Plans 26785, 1973; 33983, 1980; 37375, 1981;
University of Victoria Maps and GIS Library
Contact: Daniel Brendle-Moczuk 250-853-3619 or
UVic Libraries Maps/GIS Office 250-721-7356
1907 |
1947 |
1973-1981 |