Land use change over time in Saanich, Victoria, BC
Slide through airphotos:
1926, 1954, 1969, 1992, 2019,
(Airphotos also auto-cycle for mouse-less touch screen devices.)
The first aerial photos over Victoria were in 1926.
'Sliding' through airphotos from 1926, 1954, 1969, 1992, 2019, 2021 provides a perspective of changing land use.
Besides land change, note the 'dissappearing' orchards
See also other former Victoria orchards.
Further reading
Brendle-Moczuk, d. Re-Locating the orchards of Victoria, BC:
Re-connecting with the land. Western Geographer, 2015.
Bürgi et al.
Using the past to understand the present land use and land cover. A Changing World: Challenges for Landscape Research, 2007.
Davies et al.
Seen from above: The theoretical future of aerial photos in land use. Land Use Policy 78, 2018.
Henige, D.
This is the place: Putting the past on the map. Journal of Historical Geography 33(2), 2007.
Knolwes, A.K.
Why we must make maps: Historical geography as a visual craft. Historical Geography 42, 2014
Svenningsen et al.
Historical oblique aerial photographs as a powerful tool for communicating landscape changes. Land Use Policy 43, 2015
Also 'slide' through Land Title Survey plans of the same area.
(Airphotos also auto-cycle for mouse-less touch screen devices.)
[section of] Aerial Photo BA24-37, 1926 [Canada] Department of National Defence.
[section of] Aerial Photo BC1671-47, 1954 BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources.
[section of] Aerial Photo BCC24-47, 1969 BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources.
[section of] Aerial Photo BCB92139-186, 1992 BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources.
[section of] MapBox imagery, c2019 via QGIS QuickMapServices.
[section of] Capital Regional District Imagery/Orthos2021_10cm, 2021.
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